Saturday, December 29, 2007

Orkut Tricks

sScrap Without nameFor sending scraps without name follow the steps:
  1. Open edit profile
  2. Delete First and Second Name
  3. Then on the first name text box type ALT + 0173 (i.e. Type 0173 while pressing the ALT key of your keyboard.)
  4. Do the same in the Second Name Box.
  5. Click Update.Now you are done you can send scraps without your name

Writing text in reverse orderType the text in the scrapbook or any text box.Type & # 8 2 3 8 without spaces before the message in the text box.Example: "&#8238 This is message reverted."Press SUBMIT.The above message appears as > ‮ TRY THIS COOL TRICK


Make Friends images double the size

# Open any profile in Orkut.

# Copy the following java script into the URL Bar.



Who Has Added U in There Crush ListTo know who has added U in there Crush List, Follow the steps:

  1. Add your friends in your crush list.
  2. A message will arrive you from orkut in any of those have added you in their lists within five minutes.
  3. After the use remove friends from crush list, so that if they try, they don't catch you.


Stealth - Visit someone's profile in invisible mode

I was just view through one of the topics in a community when i found out that people didn't know how to visit some some body's profile without them knowing i was shocked.So idi decided to put it up for all of you

  1. Just visit Settings section
  2. Now check (tick/mark) on "disable profile visitors "
  3. save the settingsNow you can visit the profile without him knowing.

As simple as that.There is one small problem to this no only he will not come to know that you have visited his profile you will also not come to know who visited yours. So as soon as your work is over just uncheck it


Send anonymous scrapFor sending a anonymous scrap, follow the steps:

  1. Create a fake account.
  2. Write the scraps to the person you want.
  3. Delete the account.
  4. Your scraps from the deleted account becomes anonymous.


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